vendredi 13 décembre 2013

lundi 9 décembre 2013

Paul Walker

Paul Walker was an American actor. He acted in Fast and Furious. He died in a car crash on Sunday, December 1st, 2013 in Los Angeles at the age of 40. He had a passion for cars. He considered Vin Diesel as a brother. Just before the accident, he attended a charity event to collect money for the victims of natural disasters in the Philippines.

vendredi 6 décembre 2013

Présentation du programme du séjour linguistique 2014

En cliquant sur l'onglet "séjours linguistiques", vous pourrez prendre connaissance du programme avec des liens internet vers quelques-unes de nos destinations.

mardi 3 décembre 2013

More about British culture

Laissez vous guider par cette activité du site letshavefunwithenglish
Mais oui, il est possible de s'amuser avec l'anglais !

dimanche 1 décembre 2013

Bloody Sunday

Début de la séquence sur la chanson engagée en 3è faisant partie du corpus d'oeuvres pour l'épreuve d'Histoire Des Arts.
Allez écouter cette version "live" de Bloody Sunday et en apprendre plus sur cet évènement.

mercredi 13 novembre 2013

Possible interpretation of Keith Haring's painting

Possible interpretation:
  • Maybe they are having a crazy birthday party in a night club / a disco or it represents the celebration of the New Year
  • The people have different colours but they aren't different.
  • Perhaps, it represents a message against racism, for peace and fraternity (brotherhood) and liberty (freedom)
  • The 5 colours probably represent 5 countries. They are celebrating the joy of living in peace together.
  • Maybe they represent different nationalities in the world ( different colours but the same shapes)
  • Perhaps, it is a message for peace and love
  • They are celebrating the end of the war, probably.
  • They are cheerful because they are free.
  • Perhaps it is a symbol of friendship, brotherhood.

A painting by Keith Haring

This painting was created by Keith Haring in 1989. It is untitled.
There are five bright coloured people (red, blue, green, pink and yellow). There are lines to show movement. They are dancing or jumping or moving their bodies. They are cheerful. They don't have any face or hair or fingers. They don't wear any clothes. Their shapes are original but simple.
The ground is purple with some black dots. The background is white.

mardi 5 novembre 2013

Audio-description of the trailer of Saving Private Ryan

It’s  a war film and an action film.
It was directed by Steven Spielberg
Edward Burns, Matt Damon, Tom Hanks and Tom Syzemore are starring in it.
It’s set  in  Normandy, on the battlefields.
It takes place  in  1945, during the second World War (WW2). It’s  about 4 brothers. 3 of them died and one survived. Eight soldiers are sent on a very dangerous mission to the battlefield in France to save the last brother: James Ryan.
In the  end, they find James Ryan who goes back to the USA safe and sound.

vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Audio description of the trailer of Psycho

It’s  a  horror film, and a thriller .
It was directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock.
The film was released in 1960.
It’s  set  in  the USA, mostly in a motel (the Bates motel).
It takes  place  in  the 1960s.
It’s  about  Marion Crane  who stole a lot of money. She runs away. She goes to a motel where she is murdered/assassinated/killed by Norman Bates. A detective is sent by Marion's sister to search for her.  But the detective is killed by the madman.
In  the  end,  Norman Bates is arrested by the police and sent to prison.

vendredi 11 octobre 2013

Which movie?

La compréhension WHICH MOVIE se trouve ici

mardi 8 octobre 2013

Welcome to our new assistant

Frances interviendra cette année dans notre établissement 12 heures toutes les 2 semaines.
Elle a rencontré ses premiers élèves aujourd'hui. Bienvenue à elle parmi nous.
Nous sommes sûrs que les élèves sauront apprécier sa présence et se montrer respectueux et attentifs.

dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Best party ever Part 5

When they came home, Kathy's parents were so surprised and shocked because the house was in a mess, disordered, in a jumble and untidy. People were sleeping everywhere. There was a boy in Kathy's bed. Kathy's parents said Rebecca was a nice girl and they couldn't believe she was responsible for this disaster, so they didn't believe Kathy was innocent. They were not really angry at their daughter but a bit happy for Kathy because she usually was inhibited, shy, introverted.

mardi 1 octobre 2013

Best party ever part 4

In the party, some people were playing games on the Wii. While Kathy was having a makeover in Rebecca's bedroom, people were dancing in the living room. Some people were drinking alcohol in the kitchen while some people were swimming in the pool. Some guests were vomiting in their shoes or in the garden while other guests were chatting and they were joking and laughing. Kathy's uncle was playing the saxophone.

vendredi 20 septembre 2013

Best party ever part 3

Last Friday night, Kathy Beth Terry was at home in her bedroom, she was playing Sudoku. Her parents were absent, they were at a convention (business meeting). Rebecca Black, the girl next door, was organizing a party. Kathy got angry because the music was too loud. So she went to Rebecca's house to complain. But Rebecca invited Kathy to the party.

vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Best party ever part 2

Portrait of Kathy Beth Terry
She is ugly, she is not beautiful. She is an intellectual. She looks smart, intelligent. She wears braces, she wears big glasses. She looks like a geek, a nerd.
She wears out-fashioned clothes. She has long black hair.
She is timid, shy, inhibited, calm and quiet .
She is American.
She is probably about 16 or 17 years old.
She lives in California in a rich neighbourhood in a very big house.

jeudi 12 septembre 2013

Best party ever part 1

The article was published in Breaking News on  January16th, 2013. It was written by Robin Banks.
The headline is:  "Best party ever" costs parents $20,000".

Introduction of the situation: (when, where, who, what...)
Corey Delaney is an Australian boy who is 16 years old who lives in Melbourne. While his parents were not at home, on holiday, he decided to organize a party. He invited 500 teenagers on MySpace and the party eventually went out of control.

mardi 10 septembre 2013

The song of the month

Voici la chanson du mois.

dimanche 7 juillet 2013

Enjoy your summer holidays

L'année scolaire est terminée, nous partons tous pour des vacances bien méritée. Bel été à tous et rendez-vous en septembre pour une année riche et pleine de surprises.

mardi 21 mai 2013

Think Green campaign

Laurine et Lisa

Think green campaign

Hedi et Baptiste

Think Green campaign

Voici des exemples de travaux réalisés par les élèves de 3è5
Charlie et Alice

jeudi 21 mars 2013

Global Warming

Voici le lien pour revoir la vidéo que nous étudions en 3è  dans la séquence sur le réchauffement climatique. Son titre: None Like It Hot . Elle est extraite de la série d'animation Futurama créée par Matt Groening, le créateur des Simpson

dimanche 10 mars 2013

Expression écrite: my work experience

Voici la structure du compte-rendu de stage à faire en anglais:

Talking about my work experience
Use these guidelines
Useful words and expressions
1. Introduction
... the company ( name, type of activity, number of people who work there, location, how you got there)
- A work placement / a training period / a training session / a work experience - A trainee = un stagiaire
- It is a small firm that ….. it is located in … X km away from... I went there by (+ transport)...
- there are X people ...
2. Explain...
... how you prepared your work experience.(how you chose / found the company ; why you chose it).
- start applying for a position in + date.
- help someone find something / find something thanks to / with the help of ...
- be difficult to + BV
a place where / that / in which
linking words : because / so that / in order to
3. Describe...
the job of you supervisor / tutor + what it consists of/in 
... your activities. ( what you had to do / if you work on your own or in a team / what you learned )

... the difficulties you had to face. (technical problems, or human relationships problems.)
- Mr Wayne is a ….... It is someone/ a man / a woman who...

- worked on my own / with ... .
- be in charge of something.
- have to + BV.
- My job consisted in/of reorganising the warehouse.
- I was asked to reorganise the warehouse.
- I carried out a study of the supply chain.
- learn about + V-ING / nom
learn how to + BV

- I had no difficulty + V-ING
- the staff = pluriel
- be friendly / distant / ill-at-ease / shy / feel comfortable
4. Analyse...
... your impressions
- in terms of personality: what qualities you could develop (self-reliance, patience, team-work, creativity, ...)
- what you liked and didn't like.
- force someone to + BV / help someone to + BV
show someone how important it is to + BV
master new skills / team work / be more confident
you need to be + adj / you should be + adj

- enjoy / like / love / dislike / hate

5. Conclude...
- what you get out of this experience ( if it changed your attitude / your vision of working life ; your choice of a career)
- I think it was a great experience.
It's the first time that + present perfect
before / now / after this placement / as a conclusion
change my mind / discover that / know / realize
it was challenging / interesting / useful / boring
/ entertaining
It was not quite as positive as I expected.

vendredi 8 mars 2013

Bullying 4è

Source: « Celebs who were bullied at school » - extracts from different websites
What is bullying?
What is a bully?
Who can be bullied? Why
Bullying is when people laugh at you because of your physical appearance or your personality. Bullying is repetitive. People called Eva Longoria « ugly duckling » and Kate Winslet « blubber ».
These are examples of verbal violence.
The bully is an aggresive and violent person. Sometimes they are members of your family. People who are fat or have a big nose or when you have learning difficulties or because you have a strange accent.

Bullying 4è

Source: Let's talk about Bullies - extract from Tot magazine - two articles and one comic strip
What is bullying?
What is a bully
Who can be bullied? Why?
It's when a person steals money from other people everyday or regularly. That's racketeering.
Verbal violence : calling someone names.
A bully is an aggressive and bossy person who harasses other people ; The bullies are tall and strong .They are problems in a lot of schools .

Everybody can be bullied because you have a different hair colour, you are small, if you are a fan of Justin Bieber, if you don't have money or if you have a lot of money. No-one says anything to the teachers because they don't want to become telltales.

Bullying 4è

Source: School book ( New live 3ème) - a recording – a monologue – a testimony
What is bullying?
What is a bully ?
Who can be bullied? Why?
Bullying is when a person insults, aggresses, hits people : this is verbal and physical violence.
Psychological violence: she follows the victim in the street .
Physical violence : kicking , shoving and slapping

A bully is aggressive and uses bad language. She is a liar : she pretends she is her best friend. The bully is a big girl and she is in the same school.
The victim can be shy or awkward, She is scared and she doesn't want to go to school anymore, so she feels depressed.

Book2 lesson2 Let's go to the shop !

Joe and his friend want to buy a present for Sarah. She likes water sports, so they want to buy a water polo ball. They have got £ 8. They want to go to a sports shop.

Exprimer la volonté en anglais
On peut utiliser le verbe WANT suivi d'un nom ou d'un infinitif précédé de TO
I want a dog for Christmas
I want to travel to London

At the sports shop, Joe and his friend would like to buy swimming goggles, but they're too expensive ( £ 13). They haven't got enough money. So, the shop assistant proposes to buy a fabulous water-polo ball for £ 7.

Exprimer un souhait en anglais
On peut utiliser WOULD LIKE suivi d'un nom ou d'un infinitif précédé de TO.
I'd like a strawberry ice-cream, please!
I'd like to see that film with Bruce Willis
'd = contraction de WOULD

mercredi 27 février 2013

Tom's diner

Vous pouvez retrouver la chanson de Suzanne Vega Tom's Diner
Malheureusement le clip n'a pas grand chose à voir avec le contenu de la chanson : (

jeudi 21 février 2013

Bullying 4è

Voici un compte-rendu de l'étude des documents en groupes:
 Source: Calvin and Hobbes - comic strip - extract from « scientific progress goes boink » by Bill Waterson
What is bullying?
What is a bully ?
Who can be bullied? Why?
Bullying is when somebody regularly puts pressure on other people by using :
- psychological violence ; threatening or racketeering.
- verbal and physical violence ; fighting or hitting and insults.
Moe makes Calvin give him his truck by intimidating him.
The bully, Moe, is stronger and taller and bigger than Calvin he is jealous of Calvin because he has a beautiful truck, He is mean or nasty and aggressive . Calvin is smaller and weaker than Moe. He is alone and isolated.
He is sad and he doesn't want to fight.