jeudi 21 mars 2013

Global Warming

Voici le lien pour revoir la vidéo que nous étudions en 3è  dans la séquence sur le réchauffement climatique. Son titre: None Like It Hot . Elle est extraite de la série d'animation Futurama créée par Matt Groening, le créateur des Simpson

dimanche 10 mars 2013

Expression écrite: my work experience

Voici la structure du compte-rendu de stage à faire en anglais:

Talking about my work experience
Use these guidelines
Useful words and expressions
1. Introduction
... the company ( name, type of activity, number of people who work there, location, how you got there)
- A work placement / a training period / a training session / a work experience - A trainee = un stagiaire
- It is a small firm that ….. it is located in … X km away from... I went there by (+ transport)...
- there are X people ...
2. Explain...
... how you prepared your work experience.(how you chose / found the company ; why you chose it).
- start applying for a position in + date.
- help someone find something / find something thanks to / with the help of ...
- be difficult to + BV
a place where / that / in which
linking words : because / so that / in order to
3. Describe...
the job of you supervisor / tutor + what it consists of/in 
... your activities. ( what you had to do / if you work on your own or in a team / what you learned )

... the difficulties you had to face. (technical problems, or human relationships problems.)
- Mr Wayne is a ….... It is someone/ a man / a woman who...

- worked on my own / with ... .
- be in charge of something.
- have to + BV.
- My job consisted in/of reorganising the warehouse.
- I was asked to reorganise the warehouse.
- I carried out a study of the supply chain.
- learn about + V-ING / nom
learn how to + BV

- I had no difficulty + V-ING
- the staff = pluriel
- be friendly / distant / ill-at-ease / shy / feel comfortable
4. Analyse...
... your impressions
- in terms of personality: what qualities you could develop (self-reliance, patience, team-work, creativity, ...)
- what you liked and didn't like.
- force someone to + BV / help someone to + BV
show someone how important it is to + BV
master new skills / team work / be more confident
you need to be + adj / you should be + adj

- enjoy / like / love / dislike / hate

5. Conclude...
- what you get out of this experience ( if it changed your attitude / your vision of working life ; your choice of a career)
- I think it was a great experience.
It's the first time that + present perfect
before / now / after this placement / as a conclusion
change my mind / discover that / know / realize
it was challenging / interesting / useful / boring
/ entertaining
It was not quite as positive as I expected.

vendredi 8 mars 2013

Bullying 4è

Source: « Celebs who were bullied at school » - extracts from different websites
What is bullying?
What is a bully?
Who can be bullied? Why
Bullying is when people laugh at you because of your physical appearance or your personality. Bullying is repetitive. People called Eva Longoria « ugly duckling » and Kate Winslet « blubber ».
These are examples of verbal violence.
The bully is an aggresive and violent person. Sometimes they are members of your family. People who are fat or have a big nose or when you have learning difficulties or because you have a strange accent.

Bullying 4è

Source: Let's talk about Bullies - extract from Tot magazine - two articles and one comic strip
What is bullying?
What is a bully
Who can be bullied? Why?
It's when a person steals money from other people everyday or regularly. That's racketeering.
Verbal violence : calling someone names.
A bully is an aggressive and bossy person who harasses other people ; The bullies are tall and strong .They are problems in a lot of schools .

Everybody can be bullied because you have a different hair colour, you are small, if you are a fan of Justin Bieber, if you don't have money or if you have a lot of money. No-one says anything to the teachers because they don't want to become telltales.

Bullying 4è

Source: School book ( New live 3ème) - a recording – a monologue – a testimony
What is bullying?
What is a bully ?
Who can be bullied? Why?
Bullying is when a person insults, aggresses, hits people : this is verbal and physical violence.
Psychological violence: she follows the victim in the street .
Physical violence : kicking , shoving and slapping

A bully is aggressive and uses bad language. She is a liar : she pretends she is her best friend. The bully is a big girl and she is in the same school.
The victim can be shy or awkward, She is scared and she doesn't want to go to school anymore, so she feels depressed.

Book2 lesson2 Let's go to the shop !

Joe and his friend want to buy a present for Sarah. She likes water sports, so they want to buy a water polo ball. They have got £ 8. They want to go to a sports shop.

Exprimer la volonté en anglais
On peut utiliser le verbe WANT suivi d'un nom ou d'un infinitif précédé de TO
I want a dog for Christmas
I want to travel to London

At the sports shop, Joe and his friend would like to buy swimming goggles, but they're too expensive ( £ 13). They haven't got enough money. So, the shop assistant proposes to buy a fabulous water-polo ball for £ 7.

Exprimer un souhait en anglais
On peut utiliser WOULD LIKE suivi d'un nom ou d'un infinitif précédé de TO.
I'd like a strawberry ice-cream, please!
I'd like to see that film with Bruce Willis
'd = contraction de WOULD