jeudi 26 mai 2016

What is a Home Exchange Vacation?

What is a home exchange vacation ? 
Definition : you swap your home for someone else's home
So you both enjoy free accommodation

Advantages :
- you save a lot of money because hotels aren't cheap
- you can save more by swapping cars
- you can look after eachother's pets
- you can cook your own meals
- you can enjoy a comfortable home base
- you can live like a local and get a real feel for the places you visit
- you can meet new people and make friends

mercredi 25 mai 2016

Entrainement au test de compréhension orale B2L2

Révision des nombres
Une dictée de prix ici
Conversation au magasin
Conversation piste 71 support du checkpoint
S'entrainer avec le prix des articles avec la piste 73
Un jeu pour s'entrainer au magasin
Compréhension des prix avec le Money maze
Faire des maths avec l'argent? Rien de plus amusant ici!
3 dialogues sur ce site. Possibilité de dialoguer en jouant le rôle du client ou de l'employé de magasin.
Une liste de site ici en fonction d niveau de difficulté

Book 2 lesson 2 5è

Tamara has got £ 3 and Joseph has got £ 5. It makes £ 8. It isn't very much, but that's alright.
They want to buy a present for Sarah. She likes water sports, so they need to go to the sports shop.

Exprimer la volonté en anglais
On peut utiliser le verbe WANT suivi d'un verbe à l'infinitif précédé de TO
I want to visit London.
Tom wants to have a dog for Christmas.

Luis has got £ 14 and Natalya has got £ 7. That makes £ 21. It is not much, but that's ok: it is enough.
Their friend is Harry. He loves sci-fi books, so they need to go to the book shop.
They want to buy a book for his birthday.

At the sports shop, they would like to buy swimming goggles, but they are £ 13 and they are too expensive! They haven't got enough money.
The shop assistant proposes to buy a water polo ball for £ 7.

Luis and Natalya would like to buy Tunnel in the Sky.
It is £ 18, so they have got enough money: £ 21.

Exprimer un souhait, un désir en anglais
On peut utiliser l'expression WOULD LIKE TO + infinitif: She would like to buy a pair of boots

mardi 17 mai 2016

mardi 10 mai 2016