Sources of production of greenhouse gases:
- individual: modern comfort = cars, computers, fridges, washing-machines and TV - anything that uses electricity
- industries: production of electricity with nuclear power plants, fossil fuels = gas, coal, petrol + deforestation, intensive farming, transport, factories, industrialised countries and developping countries.
evolution of temperatures: in the last 100 years, the Earth's temperature has increased
evolution of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany: in 10 years, German citizens have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 18.5 %
4 initiatives to lower gas emissions:
- Governments have encouraged renewable energy from wind and water
- In Germany, people recycle, lower house heating, insulate their houses and turn off the lights
- In Canada, teachers and pupils in 2,700 schools learn how they can save energy, water and reduce rubbish
- Industrialised countries have expensive technology to reduce pollution now