vendredi 18 octobre 2013

Audio description of the trailer of Psycho

It’s  a  horror film, and a thriller .
It was directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock.
The film was released in 1960.
It’s  set  in  the USA, mostly in a motel (the Bates motel).
It takes  place  in  the 1960s.
It’s  about  Marion Crane  who stole a lot of money. She runs away. She goes to a motel where she is murdered/assassinated/killed by Norman Bates. A detective is sent by Marion's sister to search for her.  But the detective is killed by the madman.
In  the  end,  Norman Bates is arrested by the police and sent to prison.

vendredi 11 octobre 2013

Which movie?

La compréhension WHICH MOVIE se trouve ici

mardi 8 octobre 2013

Welcome to our new assistant

Frances interviendra cette année dans notre établissement 12 heures toutes les 2 semaines.
Elle a rencontré ses premiers élèves aujourd'hui. Bienvenue à elle parmi nous.
Nous sommes sûrs que les élèves sauront apprécier sa présence et se montrer respectueux et attentifs.

dimanche 6 octobre 2013

Best party ever Part 5

When they came home, Kathy's parents were so surprised and shocked because the house was in a mess, disordered, in a jumble and untidy. People were sleeping everywhere. There was a boy in Kathy's bed. Kathy's parents said Rebecca was a nice girl and they couldn't believe she was responsible for this disaster, so they didn't believe Kathy was innocent. They were not really angry at their daughter but a bit happy for Kathy because she usually was inhibited, shy, introverted.

mardi 1 octobre 2013

Best party ever part 4

In the party, some people were playing games on the Wii. While Kathy was having a makeover in Rebecca's bedroom, people were dancing in the living room. Some people were drinking alcohol in the kitchen while some people were swimming in the pool. Some guests were vomiting in their shoes or in the garden while other guests were chatting and they were joking and laughing. Kathy's uncle was playing the saxophone.