vendredi 25 mars 2016

subordonnées relatives

Voici déjà un site pour vous entrainer avec les relatifs WHO, WHICH et WHOSE

Un autre avec les relatifs WHO, WHICH, WHOSE et le relatif Ø

jeudi 24 mars 2016

The Hound Of The Baskervilles

Prononciation de l'anglais

Cliquer sur l'image pour accéder à une animation qui vous permettra de vous familiariser avec les sons anglais, l'intonation et l'accentuation.

Let's organize a party

Luis is bringing a big bottle of coke, a big packet of crisps and his camera. He's busy on Friday and on Saturday. He can take pictures at the party.

Natalya is bringing sweets, chocolate bars and 2 bottles of lemonade. She's free on Saturday morning, so she can put up the lights and decorations before the party.

Molly is bringing cheese and crackers. She's free on Sunday, so she can clean up after the party.

Party invitations 5è B2L1

Great !
Wicked !
Cool !
Can't wait !
That's so cool !
I'm so excited !
I'm so gutted !
I'm really sorry.
Thanks anyway.
I'm stuck at home.
That really sucks !

Paul can't go to Richard's party because they are going away for the week-end. They are leaving on Friday.
Rihanna can't come to Logan's party because she is looking after her little brother.

mardi 15 mars 2016

Global Warming Emergency

The document is a radio programme from the American radio WNPR (Washington national public radio). The title is "Save the planet". It is an interview of a British journalist. Paul Brown is an environment correspondent.
He has been a journalist for 40 years. He is currently working for the British newspaper the Guardian. He has worked for the Guardian since 1990. He has also worked for Green Peace and has travelled around the world.

  • deforestation: we have destroyed 8O % of the world's forests and every year, we burn 31 million hectares of tropical forest = the size of New Mexico
  • Global Warming is created by the pollution from cars, factories and planes.
  • Climate change provokes desertification, the multiplication of hurricanes and tornadoes.
  • The polar ice cap is melting dramatically, so the sea level is rising :
Since 1979, the ice cap has reduced by more than 20 %
If it continues, cities like New York or London will disappear under water

lundi 14 mars 2016

Global Warming special report

Sources of production of greenhouse gases:
- individual: modern comfort = cars, computers, fridges, washing-machines and TV - anything that uses electricity
- industries: production of electricity with nuclear power plants, fossil fuels = gas, coal, petrol + deforestation, intensive farming, transport, factories, industrialised countries and developping countries.

evolution of temperatures: in the last 100 years, the Earth's temperature has increased
evolution of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany: in 10 years, German citizens have reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 18.5 %

4 initiatives to lower gas emissions:
- Governments have encouraged renewable energy from wind and water
- In Germany, people recycle, lower house heating, insulate their houses and turn off the lights
- In Canada, teachers and pupils in 2,700 schools learn how they can save energy, water and reduce rubbish
- Industrialised countries have expensive technology to reduce pollution now

dimanche 13 mars 2016

Video Global Warming

This video is a cartoon which comes from  Futurama created by Matt Groening who is also the creator of the Simpsons. It was used by Al Gore, an American politician, in 2006 in his documentary about global warming entitled An Inconvenient Truth . The action takes place in the future in the 31st century.
The plot:
A little girl has just bought an ice cream but it immediately melts down, so she is sad and starts crying. Suddenly, a man comes to her and explains why it has happened : It is because of Global Warming.

Global Warming analyse

The cartoon is realistic because the problem of global warming really exists, but it is also unrealistic because we can't use space ships to drop giant ice cubes in the ocean to cool down the atmosphere.
The cartoon is also sarcastic because it makes fun of the solutions the politicians have found, and their lies.

Global Warming 2

Mr Sunbeam comes from the sun to visit Earth, but when he wants to go back to space, greenhouse gases knock him down. More and more sunbeams are trapped in the atmosphere around the earth and as a consequence it gets hotter and hotter.
The little girl asks the man how they can get rid of greenhouse gases, and the man explains that the politicians have had a brilliant idea: more and more ice cubes are dropped in the ocean, bigger and bigger ice cubes to cool down the atmosphere. The little girl understands it isn't a good solution, but the man pretends the problem is solved and gets angry when the girl insists.

samedi 12 mars 2016